When compared to the teeth straightening treatment with braces, invisalign is simpler, more comfortable and convenient. The invisalign trays when put on look very simple as they are just like transparent caps for teeth that have to be worn on them, as compared to the braces that have wires and buttons fixed on the teeth. It sounds too good to be true that a set of plastic trays can straighten complicated structures like crowded teeth.
The invisalign treatment is actually simple, it’s just the expectations that are set by the patients that are slightly wrong, because they don’t take into account the attachments used in the invisalign treatment which does the primary work of straightening. When they get introduced to the attachment that uses more dental work involving cementing and bonding, they become shocked. But making a tooth change its position completely cannot be possible without exerting force on certain chosen points. For example if a tooth is rotated and you have to make it twist towards the right side, you will have to exert pressure on that tooth from the left side, and depending on whether it should move inwards or outwards you may have to decide whether you want to put pressure from the left side top or bottom. To exert such pressure orthodontists use attachments with invisalign in Charlotte.
Invisalign aligners which are otherwise transparent can become slightly visible with the attachment on the teeth. Though the attachments are made of the same color as the tooth, they can be made out if paid attention. Having the attachments glued to the teeth can seem uncomfortable. It totally depends on how the patient takes the process of being at the orthodontist having to let dental work done on their teeth. If they think about it as a much simpler process for a complicated case to be treated without braces, they should be fine with. Attachments otherwise do not cause any discomfort. Only discomfort one may feel is when the aligners are removed and the mouth feels the attachment buttons.
Generally when the Orthodontist in Charlotte has the invisalign trays designed for you, attachments if required for any tooth will be prescribed which has to be given for the treatment to work. Such attachments are called optimized attachments. But more attachment can be used if required for enhancement either by the patient or if the orthodontist later prescribes. Such attachments are traditional attachments. So if you think an additional attachment can give a more desired look you should discuss that option with the Orthodontist in Charlotte you are being treated by.
The Orthodontists provides the most advanced technologies for Invisalign in Charlotte that offers more precision and better result. Attachments help the invisalign experts guide each tooth towards a certain position.
Theodore Lewis is the author of this article. To know more about Braces treatment in Charlotte Please visit Our Website: https://dualimageortho.com/contact/
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